Anarkotics "2 Edicion" Demo 1988

Posted by Jimmy | Posted in | Posted on 4:44 AM

Band from Spain playing a speed HC delivering a high energy and mixed at times with mid tempo parts.The work on guitar is really impressive : fucking hot driving parts and having some kick ass solos too!.Great Stuff!
You want to discover the demo so go here
Password:Yes and always the same story.....

Comments (6)

Anarkotics... this definitely rings a bell but can't remember anything clear. I think they were from one of the many cities that surround Barcelona but couldn't tell which one... I had long forgotten them absolutely and hadn't heard or read their name for ages! So - thank you for filling the memroy holes!!
I've discovered this blog thru one post of yours in JM's PNMT and I love the idea of specialising in cassettes! Not much of that around in other blogs, really...
Congrats & merci

Fernando :)

Dear Fernando..Thx a lot for you nice comments.Its always a pleasure to read reaction(s) about things we are working on...its a good way to keep the motivation alive and do the things the best way as we can.Hope you will enjoy next visits here and you will be able to find stuff/bands to discover.
Have a nice day

I was in the first formation of the band. We were from different neighbourhods in Barcelona, but had local for rehearshal in a ruin house at Santa Coloma (close to BCN). Manel (Guitar and vocals) wrote the songs. Jordi (Drummer, dyied in a car crash some days after our first gig at La Oruga). Rudy (Bass) and myself, Ignasi (Keyboards). I later left the band before the recording.

Baro eres tu??? jajaj soy manel, que bueno¡¡ te paso mi correo y hablamos.
un aabrazo

best stuff coming out of spain ever!!!!!!! demo should be put onto vinyl,really underated band
if i ever have the $$ to do an lp release on less slow recs,im gonna try ;-)
thx for this rip,sounds way better as the ones i had!!!!!!!!!!

How do I download the material?, I see the download link